Friday, March 13, 2009

FAT gamers PHAT games

The link between childhood obesity 
and the use of video games and the 
watching of television is as the 
Vandewater study contends is of 
no significant relevance. (Vandewater 

The child's body mass index in my
opinion is directly linked to genetics 
and environment. The child will eat
as their parents eat or as they are 
allowed to eat. Diet is also, in my
opinion based on economics. The 
parents have to drive to the supermarket
to buy wholesome foods and have the
money to afford them. Inner city
children or parents of substance
abusers in many cases rely on  
the local deli. And as we all know 
hey are not stocked with wholesome 
Is their a link between violent aggressive 
behaviors and the playing of video games 
or (Phat games) as I like to call them?
I don't know for sure, in a scientific sense.
My gut reaction is to say, their has to be.
But my feelings don't mean much in
the world of empirical research.  
The journal "An update on the effects
of playing violent video games" 
(Craig A. Anderson* 2003) is in my
opinion not a valid study. I see  the 
survey of existing literature as an 
attempt to fit a round peg in a square 
hole. The survey of literature is flawed
it blends the watching of violent videos 
with the playing of violent video
games. I see it as comparing oranges 
with grapefruits both are citrus fruits
but both taste totally different. In the 
case of video and video games they
in my opinion employ different types 
of literacy. The similarity is that they
are both viewer on a video screen.  
It also makes an dubious attempt to 
link school violence with the playing
of violent video games. By stating , "For
many in the general public, the 
problem of video game violence first
emerged with school shootings by avid 
players of such games...",then Anderson
by listing thirteen citations to link 
violent acts with the playing of video 
games has in effect fooled the reader
into an false sense of validity. And upon 
reading the rest of the survey I believe
that it was written to demonize the gamer.
I don't have the time to pick it apart 
line by line.
The other case study was both very 
scientific and very interesting. "Violence
exposure in real-life, videogames, 
television, movies, and the internet:
is there desensitization?" (Jeanne B. 
Funk 2004)  I gained a much greater 
understanding. The desensitizing effect 
that violent incidents and experiences
either through real or virtual experiences 
on emotional and cognitive functions is
a sobering thought. " Emotional and 
cognitive desensitization to violence 
decrease the likelihood that violent
behavior will be either censored or 
censured...." This statement should 
become a educational wake up call. The
implication of this in relation to the 
educating the our children leads 
me to the following thought. We as 
teachers need to reevaluate the way
in which instruction is delivered in
light of the psycho-social make up of
the desensitized student. 
To paraphrase  J. B. Funk, moral 
development is fostered through 
empathy. "Violence in screen-based 
media may affect empathy by 
desensitizing viewers to the true
consequences of violent actions...." 
The moral development of a child
directly effects the place in which
that child takes in society. Droves 
of  children that grow up with out
empathy leads me to believe that
the society in the  movie a Clock
Work Orange could become a reality. 
Where are we going as a society?
What can we expect from such
students in the classroom?  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I can't reach you by email. My email is
    This is Tiffany from MEDI 506. Are you in the material group? If so, I am in your material group. I might have missed our SL meeting. If so, I am sorry. Here is my material list for our material group.

    List of Materials for Middle School Library

    Online Catalog

    Wall Maps: World Map and United States Map


    Reference Materials

    General Reference Materials

    Ready Reference Materials (Dictionaries and Encyclopias)

    Electronic Reference Sources

    Nonfiction Books

    Fiction Books



    Microfiches and Microfilms

    AV Collection (DVDs, VHS, CD, Cassette, CD-ROM)

    Foreign Language Collection

    Program schedule, book review flyers

    We may make the wall maps link to a map website. My dictionary will link to, my encyclopedia will link to wikipedia, and so do others. Maybe a link to other public library catalogs.

    Let me know your idea. Thanks.

