Saturday, February 7, 2009

young children and media

..."92% agree or strongly agree that children learn from television,..." "[63%] disagree with the statement that 'Playing video games is harmful', and 66% agree with the statement that 'Children can learn skills from playing video games.' It may be the case that work by educators such as James Paul Gee (2003)...."p 48 
With statistics like this how is it that the educational community has not come up with a standardization and standards for teaching "media literacy". p 57

We all as educators and parents have seen our children glued to all the different forms of media and mass communication. They breath in the latest in pop culture through the use of all sorts of different devices. And create and spread new pop culture and ideas through these very same 
devices and media. In many cases, the device itself has become the object of pop culture as exemplified by the introduction of the Nintendo wii and the i-pod. 

Since this is a part of modern society, it is the educational communities' obligation to: one
study the phenomenon, two create standards for teaching the various mediums and devices
and three create curriculum to teach the standards. In keeping up with the technology we as educators can maximize the student's ability to learn and function in society.

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