people that effect my life see something ( video games ) the
same way that I do. Or is it that they influence me into their
notion of social acceptability. Either way it doesn't change
the fact that video games have..."good principals of learning
built into its design are...." Gee I am of like mind with Gee
when he contends that video games should be thought of as
another form of literacy. Just as all mass communication
genre TV, radio, internet, etc. should be taught as a literacy.
(more about this later)
...Semiotic domains... {symbolic representations}... Gee is
spot on as to the popularity of video games. The first leap from
invention of oral language into mass communication was the
invention of a written language. This was all representational.
Cave painting was the most concrete way to communicate in a
way that would create meaning for the reader. Later came the
invention of an pictographic language as represented by the
Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Phoenician language used graphic signs
to represent sounds which over time became less concrete.
Phoenician evolved to become less concrete and more symbolic.
This alphabet later evolved into the letters used in the
Indo-European family of languages. Today a modern example is
the Chinese language which is made up of thousands of characters.
As technology progressed we created more effective ways of
delivering the picture in our mind or thought, the fact stays the same
that we learn and communicate through pictures. Video games are
an excellent way for people to learn.
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